Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 6/30/22

Year: 2022
Political Science, European Union-Turkiye Relations, Turkish Foreign Policy, European Political History
Uluslararası İlişkiler

Hakkari Review aims to contribute to the existing knowledge in the relevant fields by providing a medium where scientists working in the fields of science within its scope can publish their original works.

Hakkari Review includes original research articles with national/international scientific quality in the fields of Business, Economics, Business Administration, Political Science, International Relations, Finance, Econometrics, Labor Economics, Educational Sciences, Turkish Language and Literature, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, History, Law and Religious Studies as well as compilations and book reviews.


● The page structure of the study should be 2.5 cm from the top, bottom, right and left.
● The text of the study, including the titles, should be written in Times New Roman, 12 points and single line spacing, and footnotes should be written in Times New Roman 10 points and single line spacing.
● The indent of the paragraph should be 1.25 cm. The space between paragraphs in the text should be 0nk before and after.
● Except for the Title of the Study and the Title in Other Languages, Summary and Abstract, all titles (including the main and sub-titles), text and footnotes should be written justified both sides.
● A Cover page should be prepared for each study and uploaded to the system as a separate file, named "Study Name_Cover".
● On the cover page, respectively; The title of the study in the language in which it was written, the Title in other languages, the Names of the Author(s), (including their institutions, e-mail addresses and ORCID information) should be centered. In articles with more than one author, the Corresponding Author must be clearly stated.
● The study text should be prepared as a separate file and uploaded to the system as a separate file named “Study Name_Text”. The names of the author/authors should not be included in the text of the study, and expressions (such as self-reference, acknowledgment, etc.) that would suggest the identities of the author/authors should be removed from the text to be added later if the article is accepted for publication.
● In addition to the cover and text file, the Copyright Transfer Form and the Ethics Committee Decision must be uploaded to the system in studies that require the permission of the Ethics Committee.
● The Title of the Study should be written in capitals, bold and centered.
● After the title, the Abstract should be in the language in which the study was written. For articles written in Turkish, the Abstract should be in Turkish, and for articles written in other languages, the Abstract should be in the language in which the article has been written.
● The abstract should be written in Times New Roman, font size 10, single line spacing and italic. The abstract of the article should be between 150-500 words.
● Keywords consisting of maximum 5 words should be placed after the Abstract.
● The title of the article in other languages (English if the work is in Turkish, Turkish in other languages), Abstract and Keywords should be written in Times New Roman 10 font size, single line spacing and italic. Abstract should be between 150-500 words.
● The main headings of the study should be in bold, all capital letters, with a paragraph indent of 1.25 cm; Sub-headings should be written with only the first letters capitalized and the paragraph indent 1.25 cm. The first-level subheading should be written in bold, the second-level subheading in bold italics, and the third-level subheading in italics. Subheadings should not be numbered.
● The introduction should start with a new page, and the next Headings and subheadings should continue without skipping the page.
● It should be 12nk before the Main Titles, and 6nk before the titles at other levels, as well as Table and Figure names.
● Conclusion and Bibliography sections should start with a new page.
● At the end of each work, there should be an Extended Abstract between 750-1000 words, starting from a new page. Extended abstracts should be written in English for studies written in Turkish, and in Turkish for studies written in other languages (Arabic, English, German, etc.). The method, findings and results used in the study should be included in the extended summary, and if necessary, titles should be used.
● Articles should not exceed 10000 words.
● In Turkish articles, the dictionaries of the Turkish Language Association and the spelling guide should be taken into account and Turkish words should be used as much as possible. When using the Turkish equivalent of the concept/term in a foreign language specific to the field, the foreign language equivalent of the related concept/term should be given in parentheses where it is first used.
● In addition to the fact that the APA system is preferred for in-text citations, the author/authors can also use any of the MLA and ISNAD citation systems, provided that they follow an integrated standard in their texts.
● In the APA system, the following rules should be observed for in-text citations;

Ethical Principles:
The publication processes applied in Hakkari Review are carried out within the framework of the ethical rules prepared in line with the guide published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) stated below, covering all interested parties.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Author(s):
● The works submitted by the author(s) must be original and must not have been previously published or submitted for publication anywhere.
● The author(s) must refrain from the actions that are contrary to the ethics of scientific research and publication stated below.
o Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, methods, data, practices, writings, figures or works of others as his/her own work, in whole or in part, without attribution, in accordance with scientific ethics.
o Forgery: Producing data that is not based on research, editing or modifying the presented or published work on the basis of untrue data, reporting or publishing these, presenting an unfinished research as if it has been done.
o Distortion: To falsify research records and obtained data, to present methods, devices and materials that are not used in the research as if they were used, not to evaluate the data that are not suitable for the research hypothesis, to manipulate the data or results in order to fit the relevant theory or assumptions, falsify or shape its results.
o Repetitive publication: Presenting more than one work containing the same results of a research as separate works in associate professor examination evaluations and academic promotions.
o Slicing: Presenting the results of a research as a separate works in certain exam evaluations and academic incentives and promotions by dissecting the results of the research in a way that violates the integrity of the research, by inappropriately dividing it and making multiple publications without attribution.
o Unfair authorship: Adding non-active contributors to the authors of article, not including active contributors among authors, changing the order of authors unjustifiably and inappropriately, removing the names of active contributors from the work at the time of publication or in subsequent editions, using their influence even though they have no active contribution. include it among the authors.
o Duplication: Submitting or publishing the same results of a study to more than one journal for publication. (In cases where the content of the broadcast concerns more than one area of expertise or if it is beneficial to publish the publication in a different language, a repetition of the broadcast may be accepted, provided that approval is obtained from both broadcasting corporations.)
o Other types of ethical violations: Not clearly stating the supporting persons, institutions or organizations and their contributions to the research in the publications of supported research, not following the ethical rules in research on humans and animals, not respecting the rights of patients in their publications, in a work they are assigned to review as a referee to share the information contained in it with others before it is published, to misuse the resources, places, facilities and devices provided or reserved for scientific research, to accuse completely baseless, groundless and willful ethical violations.
● Within the framework of ethical rules; In order to be evaluated in Hakkari Review, Ethics Committee Permission is required for the following studies.
o All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
o The use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
o Clinical researches on humans,
o Researches on animals,
o Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law
● In studies to be evaluated in Hakkari Review within this framework, to be documented when necessary;
o Indicating that an “informed consent form” was received in case reports,
o Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others,
o It should be stated that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Referee(s):
● The referee(s) should agree to evaluate only studies related to their field of expertise.
● They should make their evaluations objectively and clearly, and should not act in line with their own personal interests/opinions.
● If he/she thinks he/she is facing a conflict of interest during the evaluation process, he/she should refuse to review the study and inform the editor.
● The evaluation process should be carried out within the framework of the principle of confidentiality, it should not be shared with third parties, considering that the work submitted to it is personal.
● They should not transfer information for their own work from the work they are assigned as a referee, and should not pursue any academic/personal interests.
● He/She should make his/her evaluation in a constructive language and avoid insulting and humiliating personal comments.
● They should provide clear and detailed justifications for the work they will reject.
● He/she must perform the work that he/she accepts to evaluate on time and within the framework of the ethical responsibilities stated above.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editor(s):
● Editors, who have the responsibility and authority to accept the studies as a result of preliminary examination and send them to the referees or reject them, in addition to using this responsibility and authority in a timely and appropriate manner;
o It is obligatory for the study to be original and to contribute to its field, to act according to criteria such as the publication policy, writing rules and level of the journal, and not to have a conflict of interest related to the study.
● The referee should determine the appropriate referee for the science field and subject of the studies that are decided to be appointed. When doing this;
o Overseeing whether there is a conflict of interest between the author(s) and the referees,
o Keeping the information of the author and the referee mutually confidential, as required by bilateral blind refereeing,
o To encourage referees to evaluate the work in an impartial, scientific and objective language,
o Preventing rude and unscientific evaluations,
o In order to determine the referees' decisions about whether or not to assign them in the next evaluation processes; to evaluate them in terms of criteria such as making their evaluations on time, diligence in their reports, and whether they comply with the ethical principles determined for the referee(s),
o They have to provide the information and rules required by the referees during the evaluation process.
● In addition, while the editor(s) are performing their duties;
o They should not use their current position for their own personal and academic interests.
o They should maintain their relations in a transparent and objective manner without discriminating between the author(s) and the referee(s).
o They should provide clear and detailed justifications for candidate articles to be rejected.
o They should consider scientific research, publication and referee ethics.


Publication Principles:
Hakkari Review operates within the framework of the Publication Principles stated below.
● Hakkari Review pursues the goal of ensuring Gender Equality, one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, at every stage of its publication processes.
● Every study submitted to Hakkari Review is firstly subjected to a preliminary review by the Editorial Board. Within the scope of the preliminary examination, the study is evaluated in terms of form conditions such as compliance with the journal spelling rules, as well as content conditions such as compliance with the scope of the journal, original contribution to the relevant field of science, compliance with the declared ethical principles.
● The study, which is rejected as a result of the preliminary examination, is returned to the responsible author within fifteen days after the study is uploaded to the system, together with its justification.
● As a result of the preliminary examination, the studies that are decided to be sent for peer review are sent to two referees, at least one of whom is from outside the institution, who are suitable for the subject and the related science field.
● The referee evaluation process is carried out within the framework of the ethical principles announced for the referees and editors.
● Referees are given one month to evaluate. Additional time may be given if needed.
● A new Referee(s) is appointed instead of the Referee(s) who do not return or accept the review at the end of the time limit.
● If both referees give the same opinion as a result of referee evaluations, the decision is sent to the author together with the referee reports.
● In case of two different opinions as a result of referee evaluations, a third referee is assigned. The final decision is made in line with the third referee's report.
● The new referee(s) appointed for whatever reason are also subject to the above-mentioned periods.
● Studies that are not accepted to be published as a result of peer-reviewed evaluations are returned to the responsible author with their justification.
● Studies accepted to be published as a result of referee evaluation are uploaded to the system in their edited form. If the final ethical plagiarism rate of the edited version is over 20%, the work is rejected by the editorial board.
● Accepted studies are sent to the corresponding author to make necessary arrangements in line with the “Final Acceptance Template”.
● All completed works are put in the publication queue and published in the first issue that follows.

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